The Night of the Dead (Zhikzhikoba Night)

The Night of the Dead (Zhikzhikoba Night) "The Night of the Dead" (Zhikzhikoba Night) is a play by Mikho Mosulishvili. The main characters of the play are the deceased grandmother Ola and grandfather Ila, who have been lying in a cemetery in one of the occupied villages of Samachablo for a long time, where almost no one has been visiting for a long time. "The locals call the night after the glorious holiday of Easter "Zhikzhikoba". If everyone lit candles for their deceased and those candles were flickering, you would think the entire cemetery was a city. A city where the living and the dead were together". The play is about villages forcibly abandoned after the war, about the dead who were lost without a grave in the war, and about the pain left after the occupation of Georgia's recent history.