Nino Chitaishvili

 1989 - graduated from Tbilisi State Academy of Arts with specialty of stage designer.

From the time she studied at the academy she worked as a set and costume designer. She has set more that 50 performances in Georgia as well as abroad including: Georgian theatre named after K. Marjanishvili, M. Tumanishvili, Youth Theatre, Basement Theatre, Kutaisi and Telavi Drama theaters, Hague Theatergezelschap Mimessis and others.

She has designed costumes for folk ensemble Rustavi.

 Her  costumes' collection called: “Georgian Fairy Lady” was presented at the Medmoda 2005 in Italy.

In recent years, she held 4 personal exhibitions. Among  this she takes part in different group and thematic exhibitions.

 Her sketches for the performances “Mariana Pineda,, (for M.Tumanishvili Theater) and “Cherry Orchard”(for Theatergezelschap Mimessis)  has been exhibited in Paris in 2010 during the retrospective of Georgian theatre and cinema arts.

Participated in Prague Quadrennial 2015 , Georgian National Pavilion.

She has designed several books, including Poem “Knight of the Tiger”  and ,, Georgian Fairy Tales'' addition by Karhcakhadze Publishing.

Her biography is included in directory “Who is who in Georgian Arts 2000”. Her paintings are stored in personal collections in The Netherlands, The USA, Great Britain and others.

Since 2013 she works as Head of Designer Department  of Tbilisi Youth Theatre named after N. Dumbadze.
