Nino Andriadze
Roles performed at Nodar Dumbadze Professional State Youth Theatre
Xibla Ardashelia - Dimitri Khvtisiashvili, Anna Mirianashvili "Sara bara bzia bzboit or I love you" Directed by: Dimitri Khvtisiashvili
Sycorax - by William Shakespeare “The Tempest” directed by: George Tavadze
Mother - Antoine de Saint-Exupery "Antoine and the Little Prince" Directed by: Irakli Kavsadze
Roena - Based on the play by Neil Simon "Biloxi Blues" “Arme Diary” Directed by: Dimitri Khvtisiashvili
Wife of Naib - by Iakob GogebaShvili "The Lullaby`s Power" Directed by Otar Bagaturia
Old Woman, Countess - Wilhelm Hauff "Little Longnose" directed by: George Tavadze
Sky queen - Dodo Khurcilava, Dimitri Khvtisiashvili "Khutkuchula" Directed by:Dimitri Khvtisiashvili
Sing teacher - Christopher Gore “Fame” Directed by: Manana Berikashvili
Rebeka - Nodar Dumbadze “Kukaracha” Directed by: Shalva Gatserelia, re-directed by Otar Baghaturia
Tsusna - Vazha-Fshavela “Mousetrap” Directed by: Otar Bagaturia
The Chief of Robbers - Evgeni Schwartz “The Snow Queen“ Directed by:Tamar Tukhareli
Selfish - Antoine de Saint-Exupéry "The Little Prince" Directed by: Ketevan Kharshiladze